Create a File Request – OneDrive
Are you currently an Office 365 customer and have OneDrive? Do you need to help someone send you a large file or is someone requesting a large file from you? If you are getting an error from your Office365 email system that a file is too large to email, try the below.
The OneDrive file request feature allows you to pick a folder where others may upload files using the link to the file that you shared with them. They can only upload files to this folder and cannot see what is already in the folder.
Key Requirements:
- Request files is only available for OneDrive for work or school accounts and your admin must enable Anyone links in OneDrive. Please contact your admin if you don’t see this feature.
3 Ways to Open OneDrive:
- Login to Office 365 (office.com) and click on OneDrive app
- Search for OneDrive in your windows search bar in the left corner of your task bar
- Click the blue cloud in the right corner of your task bar
How to Request a File:
- Open your OneDrive and find the folder where you would like the files to be uploaded, and then click Request Files
- Under what files are you requesting, enter a brief description of what you are requesting. The other person will see this description when they receive the file request. Then hit Next
- You can hit copy link and share the link with anyone whom you would like to request files from or, you can enter their email. Then click done.
When you receive a file request:
- Begin by clicking select files, browse to the appropriate folder, and select a file. If additional files are needed click add more files
- After all files are selected, click upload
- A notification will be sent to the recipient after the files have uploaded successfully
Stop requesting files:
Once you are done receiving files, you can delete the link so others cannot upload to the folder anymore
- In OneDrive select the file request folder
- Click […]
- Click manage access
- Click […] besides the request link under the links giving access section
- Click the X next to link
- Click delete link
- OneDrive is not required by the person you’re sending the request to as they can upload files via the link with just internet access.
- All files sent to you are in a single folder of your choosing.
- Those with your request link can only upload files and can’t see or access other items in your OneDrive.