Working From Home
Velocigo’s Top 5 Working from Home IT Tips:
Bonus tip included
1 – VPN Access
A significant layer of security for businesses of all sizes. Is your company using one? It should be.
2 – Security Protection
Make sure all firewalls and anti-virus programs are up to date and being used. Need a recommendation on which may be the best fit for your company?
3 – Cloud Services
Many companies don’t have the internet bandwidth where their servers “live” to allow efficient access from home for a large number of employees at once. Cloud Servers via AWS defeats this expensive ongoing (and contract required) requirement. When your compute and storage requirements are in the cloud, data and bandwidth are only paid for when used. Let’s face it, by the time some internet service providers (We’re talking about you AT&T) can get their act together to upgrade your bandwidth; your employees will likely be back in the office.
4 – Backups
Initiating frequent and mandatory server backups can help keep company information safe from accidental deletion or loss. Have you tested your backups? If backups are untested — you don’t have backups.
5 – Use of Mobile Device Management (MDM)
A helpful way of keeping business and personal data separate. It allows the management of mobile devices to be much easier and more streamlined.
Bonus Tip: Establish clear for all electronic financial transactions, including all inbound and outbound bank wire and ACH transactions. ACH fraud is on the rise; establishing, and communicating clear processes can prevent you, your customers, and vendors from having a terrible day.
Contact us today to find out how we can help your company work from home more securely.